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Primary Time: May 2007 Theme

This month the theme for Primary is based on the Restoration. “My faith in Jesus Christ grows when I learn about the Restoration of the gospel. The scripture is Isaiah 29:14. You may want to encourage your older Primary children to memorize it. You can work on this as a family at family home evenings and dinnertime.

The unit focuses on Joseph Smith receiving revelation from God to restore the true church on earth. Joseph Smith also translated the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is another witness for Christ. The priesthood has been restored, and as a result we have a living prophet today. These are key points in understanding the doctrine of the church. You may want to have a family home evening lesson on each point, and bear your testimony of the Restoration of the gospel to this earth.

In this month’s “Friend” there is story that helps to explain what restoration means. There is a puzzle that you can do with your children that accompanies the story. There is also a coloring page of the First Vision that you can have your children work on for a family home evening activity. It is important that you share your testimony about the Restoration of the gospel.

You may want to challenge your children to read the Book of Mormon. You will need to help your younger children do this, by reading it to them. You may want to explain the visit of Angel Moroni to Joseph Smith and that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. This could become a goal for the year, and you can encourage each other during family home evenings.

The song the children are learning this month is “An Angel Came to Joseph Smith” (Children’s Songbook, p 86). You can practice this song with your children at home to really help them learn this song. A really easy way to do this is to focus on this song during family home evenings, during a music practice time.

Related Articles:

General Conference: “The Restoration of All Things”

Family Home Evenings Using Sharing Time Themes

Joseph Smith Website