The Primary has announced its sharing time theme for 2007. It is “I’ll Follow Him in Faith.” The theme is the overarching theme for the entire year. Each month will address a separate part of the theme. This year the theme focuses on the Savior, and so the children will learn about the Savior and the gospel each month during sharing time.
The Primary presidency will use this outline to plan for each sharing time. They will also use the theme to plan the Sacrament program for each year. Each month they children will learn a new song that is related to the monthly theme. There is also a scripture that is used for each month’s theme. You can learn more about the theme each month in “The Friend” in the sharing time section.
As parents it is easy to reinforce the sharing time themes at home. You can plan family home evening lessons around them. If you have older children you may encourage them to memorize that month’s scripture. You can also practice each month’s song as a family. This will help your children learn and grasp the important concepts that are being taught.
If you are a leader you have several great resources available to you as you plan sharing time each week. The outline includes four separate ideas that you should touch on each month. “The Friend” also includes ideas that you can use during sharing time. For different ideas on how to implement the teachings you can also use the “Teaching, No Greater Call” manual put out by the church. This is a great resource, and you should read the section devoted to teaching children.
The theme for the year will help the children come to know the Savior better. It teaches of His life and ministry and the principles that we all should know and follow. I hope that you will take the time to discuss the theme with your children throughout the coming year.
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Primary Time: Sharing Times at Home
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