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Primary Time: Remember to Use The Friend

Whether you are thinking about preparing a Family Home Evening lesson or looking to supplement your Primary lesson or sharing time idea, you really should look at The Friend for more ideas. The Friend has a lot of great resources available, and they are easy to access online and to search.

You can search for activities that are based on your topic. The Sharing Time activities and suggestions pages each have several ideas on the topic for the month, and are a great resource to look at when you are searching for a specific topic. They also include some sort of activity that your children can do during or after the family home evening lesson.

The coloring pages and activity pages are another great resource. You can use these to supplement lessons or they make great Sacrament meeting activities for your children. I like them since it helps to keep their focus more on church topics during the meetings.

The stories and other articles are a great resource for lessons as well. It is also good reading material for your young readers. The stories are always interesting and they can help to build the confidence level of your young reader.

The activity pages are a great way to help your children pass the time during the summer months. You can choose one craft activity and one recipe each week for your children to complete. You can carry it over into a gospel theme or principle to focus on during the summer. These should be fun activities that help your children to build their testimonies, but also focus on just being kids.

The great thing about using these as a resource is that you can access them online, print only the pages you need, and as many copies as you need. Gone are the days of fighting over who gets the paper dolls this month. You can simplify a search for activities pages by searching for PDF files or “click to enlarge” along with your topic.

Related Articles:

The Friend Magazine

Family Home Evening: Using Sharing Time Themes