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Primary Time: “The Gospel Is a Gift to Share”

This month the theme for Sharing Time is “The Gospel Is a Gift to Share.” This is a great theme, because it gives you a chance to talk to your children about the blessings the gospel brings to your life. It will also give your family a great chance to share the gospel with someone this month. There is a puzzle activity that you can print off and do with your children.

One way that you can discuss the blessings that the gospel brings to your life is at the dinner table. You could each say one thing that you appreciate about the church. You could make a list on poster board and hang it on your wall. You could also hold a family home evening on this topic. The family home evening that I wrote about this week on gratitude would work as well.

The second part of theme is sharing the gift with those around you. This is a great opportunity to pray as a family about someone with whom to share the gospel. You might want to have the missionaries over for dinner and ask them some ways that you can share the gospel with others. You can teach your children about inviting friends to come to church activities with them.

The song that the children are learning in Primary this month is “Holding Hands Around the World.” This can be found in July 2002 “Friend.” You may want to practice singing this at family home evenings and maybe at bedtime with your children, so that they can truly learn the words to the song.

At the end of the month, you may want to have a family home evening that discusses what your family did to share the gospel with someone else. You may also want to talk about how being more aware of the blessings of the gospel helped them with problems that they were facing.