We’ve looked at what TLC is and the changes that need to happen in our lives if we are to get our priorities right this year. But what about another important letter – J. Yes, it could stand for Jesus. It could also stand for joy.
In John 15, Jesus talked to His disciples and He talks to us today too, about abiding in His Word and letting His Word abide in us, verse 7. Jesus talks about prayer, verse 7 and bearing fruit, verse 8. He talks of his great love for his disciples and us, verse 9. Then in verse 11, Jesus mentions the J word – joy. Jesus wants our joy to be full.
Too often though joy is easy to miss. We live busy lives but where is the joy? Our God is not mean. He wants us to have that joy which He has. He wants us to know joy even through the tough times, because we know God loves us. As Lamentations reminds us His mercies are new ‘every morning,’ Lamentations 3:23. His lovingkindnesses ‘never cease,’ verse 22. Surely that is reason to be joyful?
Do you want to be a person known for TLCJ – transformation, love commitment, joy? What about your church? Is this what your church looks like? One that shows transformation, love commitment and joy?
The main problem is the busyness of life. Most of us do not set out to deliberately defy God. It’s more we are so busy. So busy with everyday living, we squeeze God out. There’s a saying that the person who is too busy to pray, is simply too busy.
Sometimes busyness can be the enemy of godliness. If Satan can’t make you bad, he’ll keep you busy. Often times this can even be busyness with church commitments. But if you’re so busy with church activities that you don’t have time to spend with the Lord, then you are too busy. You need to drop something from your life and make time to spend with God.
What if you were to die today, would you feel confident to stand before God? Or feel guilty because you have squeezed God out and not given Him enough of your time?
Sometimes we are so busy, we squeeze people out. This is not what God wants either. So what we can we do? What changes can we make? Tomorrow we’ll look at some ways to rectify this situation.
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