Probiotics are beneficial bacteria or yeasts that naturally exist in the intestinal tract. Taking probiotics is said to promote digestion and general health. Recent research suggests there may be another benefit to taking probiotics.
A study in Finland looked at a link between taking probiotics and obesity during pregnancy, as well as post pregnancy weight loss. The researchers at the University of Turku discovered that women who took probiotics during pregnancy had less belly fat and a lower percentage of body fat a year after the birth than women not taking supplements.
The participants were divided into three groups. One was given no treatment and placebo probiotics, another was given nutritional and dietary counseling and a third was given the nutritional and dietary counseling and capsules of probiotics.
The group taking the probiotics had the lowest level of obesity and belly fat at 25 percent. Forty percent of the women given no treatment were obese a year after the birth of their babies and 43 percent of the group given only nutritional counseling.
There appears to be a big difference in the group taking the probiotics. But we always hear that supplements can be dangerous during pregnancy, so are probiotics safe? There are several medical sources that claim benefits and safety of taking probiotics during pregnancy. One potentially substantial benefit is some lactobacilli having the ability to reduce bacteria vaginosis and group B strep. To see one example from the College of Family Physicians of Canada, click here.
Of course, as always, you should speak to your midwife or doctor before making changes or taking any type of supplement. Do some research and read information from credible medical sources online to learn more. You may want to bring some information with you to your appointment, if your health care provider is not up to speed on nutritional issues.