Theresa is a homeschooled adult. Her mom educated her at home starting in the fourth grade. She was kind enough to answer a few questions for me, and I am sharing them here with you. If you ever wanted to know how homeschooled adults turn out, then you will want to read this blog entry and the ones that follow. This is part two of my interview with Theresa. You may want to go back and read part 1 first.
So Theresa homeschooled from fourth grade and was easily admitted into two different colleges. What happened next? “After two years of college, I got married. So I have neither high school diploma nor college degree.” She responds. She jokingly adds, “I do have a bona fide kindergarten certificate, though.”
Do not jump to conclusions here. How many of us did not finish college and instead got married? Personally it took me 6 years and three colleges to get my BA degree and I got married immediately afterwards.
When I asked what she liked most about homeschooling, her answer was “the freedom to study how and what I liked, and the warm relationship and time I got to spend with my parents.”
When I asked what she disliked most about homeschooling, she replied “people asking my parents stupid questions about my socialization as if I weren’t standing right there!”
Things haven’t changed much, huh?
To my question, “what is the one thing you wish you could change about your homeschool experience?” Theresa replied, “I remember the school district taking my parents to court for truancy as a frightening time, definitely the worst part of my homeschool experience. However, I would not change it. We grow and learn the most through hard times, and that was no exception.”
I thank God everyday that I was born when I was born and that my kids were born when they were born. It seems timing has served us well. People like Theresa and her family have blazoned a trail for our kids, the second generation of homeschooling. We most certainly enjoy more freedoms, and a lot less hassles. Please stay tuned for the conclusion of my interview with Theresa.
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