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Protect Your Baby with a Flu Shot During Pregnancy

This week I was completely knocked out by the flu. I was plastered to my bed for almost two full days while my lovely husband cared for our son all by himself. Looking back I wonder if I could have avoided it altogether had I gotten a flu shot. Flu shots are taken for granted by some and hated by others. It’s a very controversial subject. A recent study, however, presents findings that are hard to refute. Yale compared the medical records of infants who had the flu with those who did not. An overwhelming number of infants who did not have the flu had mothers who were given the flu shot.

I thought having the flu was a big deal, and I’m a healthy adult. The flu for a baby can be much worse. It can easily land them in the hospital with breathing problems and other complications. Babies under six months cannot get the flu shot. The study suggests that moms who get the flu shot while they are pregnant can help protect their newborns from the flu by passing on those antibodies in utero. Babies are born with functioning immune systems, called passive immunity, which they get from their mom during pregnancy. It lasts for about the first year while they build their own immunities. If mom is protected from the flu because she has gotten the flu vaccine, it makes sense that baby is protected, too.

What if you prefer not to get the flu vaccine, or you have already had your baby and it’s too late? You can protect your baby from the flu by practicing some common sense. Always wash your hands before handling your baby. Encourage visitors to wash their hands before handling your baby as well. Avoid overly crowded public places. As sick friends and family members to postpone their visits until they are well.

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About Kim Neyer

Kim is a freelance writer, photographer and stay at home mom to her one-year-old son, Micah. She has been married to her husband, Eric, since 2006. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a degree in English Writing. In her free time she likes to blog, edit photos, crochet, read, watch movies with her family, and play guitar.