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Protecting Yourself During a Legal Separation

My last article focused on the aspects of a legal separation. Many couples think that they can just move apart and be legally separated. However without the proper papers filed, you are not protected. A legal separation is a must if you feel that the divorce or separation may get ugly or difficult. It can help give the two of you guidelines to live by so neither partner is taken advantage of during the separation.

In the article, I also began noting some precautions that one should take when undergoing a legal separation. This article will offer more advice on protecting yourself when separating from your spouse.

In addition to taking your name off of household utilities and leases, there are other things that can save you trouble in the long run. Consider some listed below.

Make sure that you have all of your mail forwarded to a new address or post office box. Contact the post office for more information.

Gather all information of many personal business holders that you may need later. For example credit card issuers, mortgage holders, insurance policies, etc. Make sure that your spouse is not spending in your name.

Obtain copies of your tax records. The government does not honor separations or divorces when it comes to owing or paying back due taxes.

Place a freeze on your joint accounts or separate monies.

Let anyone that you owe know that the two of you are legally separated. Make it aware that you will only be responsible for your half. You do not want your spouse’s failure to pay to reflect on you.

Make a list of personal items that you wish to keep.

Take with you the things that you need now and some for later. For example get clothing, important records, pictures, special furniture, computers, etc. Do not assume that these things will be there or be available later. If you think that you want, discuss taking it with your spouse.

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