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While Dale is out (and maybe a little when she comes back) I thought I’d spend some time looking at the Psalms. One resource that I’ll be using is Living Beyond the Daily Grind by Chuck Swindoll if you’re interested in picking it up.

A Little Background

The Psalms are songs, most of which were written by David. David, as I’m sure you know, was “a man after God’s own heart.” A good look at his life and relationships gives a good indicator as to why he received such an honored distinction in the Bible.

Let’s remember David was a boy when he was anointed king. He wasn’t the strongest in his family nor was there anything about his appearance that made you think “this guy should be the next king.” It was God looking at his heart and speaking through Samuel.

Then, as the anointed but unofficial king, he served King Saul. When Saul became jealous, as the anointed but still unofficial king, he fled from Saul. He had opportunity to kill Saul and remember again–he was the anointed king. Had he killed Saul, the whole world would have thought everything was good and right. Well, maybe not everyone. . .but had he killed Saul when he had the opportunity he undoubtedly could’ve enjoyed a speedy ascent to the throne. And yet, knowing it wasn’t God’s time for him to be king, he let Saul go to his own detriment. He allowed himself to be mistreated and to live among the caves to be righteous and blameless before God.

I’m just covering the tip of the iceberg here. But many of the Pslams were written at this time while David was fleeing for his very life. They are an ancient hymn book if you will, and reveal many truths about our worship of God and what our attitudes should be in life.

I will leave you with that introduction and with prayers for healing for Dale as she recovers. Come back soon!