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Purina’s Precautionary Pet Food Recall Affects Horses, Goats, Pigs

Right now I’m watching the evening news while working on my new laptop and saw that pet owners have another pet food recall to worry about. This time Purina is doing a precautionary recall because of concerns some of their food has been contaminated or exposed to aflatoxin.

However, this time it’s not dogs and cats affected. It’s horses, pigs, and goats.

No animals have fallen ill yet according to the newscast. The recall is a precautionary measure on Purina’s part.

Unfortunately I wasn’t quick enough to note the particular Purina brands that were affected. But aflatoxin was the cause of the Diamond Pet Food recall back in 2005. (Which finally settled this year.)

It’s so new apparently Purina doesn’t even have any information up on its site yet either. Or so I thought at first…

I always try to double check myself before passing along information to you readers. So I went on a fact-finding mission to see what I could uncover.

That’s how I stumbled upon info on a forum at Working Horse World. The first round of recalls actually happened at the beginning of April. And it wasn’t made public when Purina recalled 27 of their equine products. They then recalled 18 more products towards the end of April. Again, only dealers were made aware.

So how did the news station here find out about it? Maybe they found the forum at Working Horse World too. Or, maybe one of Nashville’s many horse owners tipped them. I don’t know, but I’m glad they did.

However, I did find out that Purina doesn’t have anything posted on their site about it. (Also thanks to info on the Working Horse World forum.)

Here’s one of the lists of partial products listed at the WHW forum. They were produced at the plant in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with the dates January 1, 2008 to February 8, 2008.

1. Country Acres

2. Complete Advantage

3. Equine Adult, Equine Junior, Equine Senior

4. Horse Chow 100 and Horse Chow 200

5. Horseman Edge (almost all of them)

6. Pure Pride 100

This list was also provided, purpotedly by a Purina rep.

Formula No. Item No. Description
56AT 0049098 Country Acres All Stock 14% Texture
56AZ 0051858 Country Acres All Stock 16% Texture
35EX 0048193 Country Acres Horse Complete 14
35DR 0041941 Country Acres Horse Pellet 10
35DS 0041940 Country Acres Horse Pellet 12
35DN 0041937 Country Acres Horse Sweet 10
35DP 0041943 Country Acres Horse Sweet 12
6514 0009876 Country Acres Layer 16%
3505 0034202 Complete Advantage
35G9 0001206 Equine Junior
35J9 0001209 Equine Senior
5501 0001403 Goat Chow
3531 0004984 Horse Chow 100
35CZ 0054628 Horseman’s Edge 10:10 TXT HF
35TK 0065331 Horseman’s Edge Complete 14
35Y5 0010610 Horseman’s Edge Pellet 10:6
35TG 0065244 Horseman’s Edge PLT 12:6 + Lys
35TP 0065356 Horseman’s Edge Sweet 14:6
35TM 0065354 Horseman’s Edge Sweet 12:6 + Lys
3516 0001187 Pure Pride 100
26WK 0047869 Sow & Pig Builder OTC 50
61S3 0057259 Start & Gro Sunfresh Recipe

Hope this helps any of you horse people out there that didn’t know about it yet!

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