Before I leave you to have a fun weekend (I hope) and remind you to take a rest day (those are important), here are a few fitness fun facts that you can use to help encourage yourself to stay on target and your workout plan.
– The Best Time to Exercise is whatever works for you. Avoid working out after a heavy meal to avoid indigestion.
– The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work is Alaska.
– Intelligent people have zinc and copper in their hair.
– It’s impossible to lick your elbow.
– When created, GOLF stood for Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden.
– Exercise helps reduce wrinkles. It increases blood flow to the skin that provides nutrients it needs to stay thick. Thick skin wrinkles less than thin.
– Regular exercise can improve sexual function in both men and women by improving their mental and physical health.
– Regular exercise helps reduce risk of cancer. Physical activity seems to improve the body’s antioxidant defense systems and to strengthen other immune defenses to protect against cancer.
– Exercise doesn’t mean steel pumping or marathon running. Moderate activities work including swimming, dancing, biking, walking and skipping rope.
Making exercise fun can keep the fun not only in your Friday, but also in your fitness. Statistics show that when you enjoy what you’re doing, you are more likely to keep doing it. So have a great weekend and we’ll see you back here on Monday!