Several years ago I had a membership to Curves, a for-women-only fitness center. One of the things I remember really liking is the concept of circuit training.
Circuit training is when you do short amounts of resistance exercise, focusing on one muscle group at a time. Sprinkled in the mix you also have some aerobic exercises.
The reason I liked this is because I prefer variety. I can’t do floor exercises, such as leg lifts, for 20 minutes at a time. To me it is just plain boring. So when things get a little mixed up, I tend to be more motivated.
I guess that’s why I really love using “My Fitness Coach” on Wii. No, this isn’t another endorsement, but it does provide a great mix of exercises.
When it comes to planning a fitness schedule, I think most people will fare better if they have some variety. Focusing all week long on just one muscle group or one area of the body isn’t really productive. You want to tackle all areas and enjoy yourself at the same time.
So I strongly suggest putting together a fitness schedule. This allows you to map out the week and gives you something to stick to. You don’t have to worry about wondering what you should do each day, “Hmm…should I take a walk? Lift some weights?” You know what to do on which days.
I find it makes me look more forward to exercise when I know what to expect. A schedule can also be a way to keep you accountable.
My schedule looks like this:
Monday – Core
Tuesday – Cardio
Wednesday – Upper Body
Thursday – Lower Body
Friday – Cardio
Saturday – Walking
So you can see where I am focusing on certain areas or certain types of exercises but they vary throughout the week. Although Saturday is my walking day (a mile or two), I also try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of walking, three other times during the week.
If the weather isn’t cooperative, I use my treadmill. But otherwise you will find me outside taking a nice long walk.
Think about a schedule that would work best for you. Put it together and post it where you can always see it.
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