In this VeggieTales adaptation of the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo, we find that Nebby K. Nezzar, (read it quickly to translate as Nebuchadnezzar) the owner of a chocolate factory, has hired Rack, Shack and Benny (also known as Bob, Larry, and Junior) to work for him. He is so impressed with their performance that he promotes them to junior executives. Then he lets them in on a little secret: the next morning, he’s going to make a rule that everyone who works in the factory has to bow down to a giant statue of a chocolate bunny and sing “The Bunny Song.” It’s quite a jazzy little number, really, but it’s full of all kinds of bad messages, encouraging children to eat candy instead of eating their dinner, to disobey their parents, and to skip school.
Rack, Shack and Benny know they shouldn’t sing that song; it goes against everything they believe in. But Mr. Nezzar says that if they don’t sing the song, then they’re bad bunnies, and bad bunnies go in the furnace.
Early the next morning, all the employees are assembled together in the courtyard of the factory to see the unveiling of the statue. Rack, Shack and Benny don’t bow down when it’s revealed. Mr. Nezzar takes them, binds them up and throws them into the furnace, only to see four images walking around in the flames instead of three, and that they are unharmed.
This movie teaches children the importance of doing what you know what’s right, even when there’s a lot of peer pressure to do what’s wrong.
“Silly Songs with Larry” features my absolute favorite Silly Song of all time, which is “The Song of the Cucumber.” Larry, dressed in a serape and a sombrero, sings in Spanish while Bob translates. It’s hysterical.
This video is an important addition to your VeggieTales collection. You may want to help your younger viewers with the whole “being thrown in the furnace” thing, but it’s certainly not as scary as it’s told in the Bible.
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