In another installment in the series about Ramona Quimby, we find our little first grader in even more precarious situations than ever. “Ramona the Brave” will take you and your child through another school year in Ramona’s life, along with all of the wonderful things that await her.
Before the school year begins, Mrs. Quimby has a surprise for Ramona and her older sister Beatrice — Beezus as the family calls her. Finally, after years of the sisters sharing the same room, the Quimbys are going to add another room onto the house. They will share it, Ramona sleeping in it for six months and then Beezus sleeping in it for six months. As the workmen pry off siding and knock out plaster, Ramona and her friend Howie decide to run through the house and jump through the hole in the house over and over again. When school does start, Ramona decides to share her exciting news with her first grade class only to have Howie contradict her story. And yet another school year begins roughly for Ramona.
First grade is yet another confusing time for Ramona. Not only does Ramona find distaste for her teacher Mrs. Griggs, but she misses her kindergarten teacher Miss Binney. Even though parents’ night is supposed to be an exciting night for which the children make paper-bag owls to hang up in the classroom for their parents, mean old Susan makes it impossible for Ramona to enjoy. Working in her reading workbook also proves difficult for Ramona because she doesn’t understand why her answers are wrong when her reasoning makes perfect sense.
Ramona’s defiant streak also shows itself more in this book. It is progress report night. Ramona gets so frustrated by the comments made by Mrs. Griggs that she longs to do something to startle her family. She loudly announces that she is going to say a bad word. WHen Mrs. Quimby encourages her to say it if it will make her feel better, the family is in for a big shock.
“Ramona the Brave” is yet another book by Beverly Cleary that you and your school-age child can enjoy together.
“Ramona the Brave” is available at most major book retailers, including Borders, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.