One way to save money is to shop at a thrift store. This is a great way to pick up some used clothing, books, or picture frames for a nice price. When it comes to things like shoes, and swimwear, it is best to purchase them new. There are plenty of sales and deals going on that will help you save money on new swimwear and shoes.
Puma is having its Semi-Annual Sale. You can find shoes for up to 50% off the usual price. Their selections include shoes for men, for women, or for kids.
Payless Shoesource is having a BOGO sale : Buy one, get the second item for 50% off. It includes brands like American Eagle and Airwalk. You can find sandals for women and girls for a nice price, and flip flops for men that are on sale. They also are including their accessories by Brash in the BOGO sale.
Kmart has a promo code that will save you 20% off when you make a purchase of shoes from their website. The Promo Code is: KMARTSHOE20. You also get FREE shipping on your order.
Old Navy has a “Super Summerized Sale”. You can mix and match women’s swimwear, and get it on sale. Some items are $15.00, and some are as low as $12.50.
Old Navy also has a “Summer Shoe Sale”. Pick up a cute, new, pair of flip-flops for under $10.00. Need something patriotic to wear while watching the fireworks this Independence Day? How about an Old Navy 2012 t-shirt or tank top for just $5.00?
Gap is having an “Up to 50% off” sale right now. It includes a variety of women’s swimwear and coverups.
Victoria’s Secret has a “Swim Sale” going on (in addition to their Clearance Sale). Choose from over 375 styles of swimwear, and get it for 25% to 50% off the regular price.
Target also has a sale on swimwear. Mix and match pieces for anywhere between $14.00 and $18.00 each. Or, pick up a one piece swimsuit for around $25.00 to $27.00.
Kohl’s has a 40% to 60% off sale on select sandals for the entire family.
Image by Nono Fara on Flickr