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Rearranging Space and Environment May Make Things Smoother

We humans are affected by our environment. I’m sure you have noticed how the physical space of your household has an influence on your family. When things are chaotic or cramped or over-crowded, the family may reflect that. On the other hand, too much space may make a family feel disconnected. Sometimes, just rearranging how your space or environment is configured or changing the way things are used, can have a direct positive impact on your family.

Over the years, my children’s living arrangements have changed. They haven’t always had the same room or even shared a space with the same sibling. When my children were very small, they all shared a room together—a large “nursery” and it worked out really well. As they got older, different arrangements were made depending on what the needs were at the time. My two daughters have shared a room, my eldest daughter and my son also shared a room when they were preschoolers, giving the “middle child” some needed space and independence for a while. And, now, everyone has his or her own room (but the girls share a bathroom of their own)—with three teenagers, having their own privacy and space seems to be a priority.

Just because you have neatly tucked everyone into an assigned space does NOT mean that it has to stay that way. If siblings are having a hard time getting along, they might do better being separated for a while. Or, teaming up kids might make a big positive difference. Living rooms, family rooms, dining rooms, and even garages do not have to have a static, unchanging use. You may be able to creatively reinvent how your household space is being used to create room for hobbies and interests, a place for kids to socialize and hang out with friends, or for some other sanity-inducing activity or purpose. You might be surprised how just creatively reinventing your existing space can have such an immediate positive influence on how your family is functioning.

See Also: Kids Can Be Packrats Too

Creating Family-Friendly Homes