I have been mulling over a local news story in my mind for the last few days. A young man (in high school) was interviewed about his use of Ritalin, having been diagnosed with ADHD. He explained how it helps him focus and that he cannot function academically without it. The student went on to explain how other students ask him to share his drugs with them. They called the story, “smart drugs”.
So it turns out that a large number of students take these “smart drugs” (Ritalin and other ADD drugs) to help them focus on tests or to study longer. They feel these drugs give them a competitive edge and therefore are willing to risk harm to their bodies and minds to get a higher grade point average than the next person. While it is apparent to most that these kids are making a stupid mistake, one has to ask why they are to the point where “winning” the grade game in high school and college is so important to them.
Think about it. These kids have been trained and programmed since they were in Kindergarten that grades and reports are the most important thing in the world. Be good or I will report you. The person with the highest grade gets a prize. So and so is the smartest child in the class because they get the highest grades. By the time these kids reach high school they are worked up into a frenzy to get the gold. The distinction of coming out ahead of the rest of the class is so singularly important that they are willing to risk their health, their minds, and even their lives, for a few hours of more study, or a question or two more correct.
I sure am glad that homeschooling gives my children only themselves to measure against. By constantly improving themselves and their own progress, they will always be able to naturally improve, and not be tempted to harm their bodies to meet the standards or rank of someone else.
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!
* Have you seen the homeschoooling curricumum glossary?