A young lady does well in her classes for four years, and then fails the exit exam… repeatedly. She cannot pass the physical science section, and therefore cannot graduate. So, I must ask, is it worse to graduate from public school illiterate, or to get good grades for four years and then not be allowed to graduate? I know I would be pretty upset to realize that the grades I had worked for during my high school career were not worth the paper they were written on.
As homeschoolers in the state of Georgia, my children will not have to take exit exams. Once they have fulfilled the same criteria that other high school kids have to, they will be declared high school graduates. If and when they go to college, they need to prove that they have covered certain materials subjects that are that the discretion of the school. If they are going to college, they will also take entrance exams. Therefore, it behooves a homeschooler to do their best and to learn as much as humanly possible. If a homeschooler is diligent and does their work, they will graduate. No exit exams are necessary.
Am I glad my kid does not need an exit exam? Yes. Do I think an exit exam is even necessary? For students not taking the SAT or other College Entrance Exam, then yes, I feel they need to take an exit exam. Could my child pass the entrance exam if they needed to? Yes, I do believe they could. Over the years, I have gone online and accessed copies of previous year’s state tests and the children have had no problem passing them. Therefore, I believe that they will also have no problem with the states exit exam. Fortunately, however, I will never have to worry about it, unless of course, my child suddenly decides to go to public school. Until then, I sure am glad we homeschool.
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!
* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?