One of the most important parts of fasting is fasting with a purpose. This helps you to focus on the spiritual aspects of fasting. It can give you strength and guidance during difficult times. If you are fasting to help someone else, it can help you feel a greater lover for others. It is a great way to give service quietly. When you fast with a specific purpose in mind you should begin and end your fast in prayer. Additionally you should have an open heart throughout the day, so that you may hear any promptings you receive. If you are looking for a reason to fast here are a few.
1) You may fast to solve a personal problem that you are having. This could be related to repentance or it could be a financial or health problem as well. When you fast you may want to focus your fast on a solution or on the strength to endure and continue onward. It is important that you remember that the Lord’s will needs to be done, and you may fast that you can accept His will in your life.
2) You may be fasting for someone else when they are going through a difficult time. I have participated in family fasts for those undergoing serious medical procedures. Additionally you may choose to fast for someone who is struggling with his testimony or self-esteem. When you fast this way, you may also ask for guidance on anything that you can do to help this person.
3) You may be fasting to solve a bigger problem. Currently my stake is being asked to fast to help end the drought in our state. The condition has gotten very serious. As we fast as a stake, I know that the Lord will hear our prayers. You may have a similar situation that you are fasting for.
4) Finally you may be fasting to grow closer to the Lord. When you do this you may pray to better understand the scriptures or to have His spirit with you. You should look at the blessings you have received in your life, and look for things that you can improve on.
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