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Reasons to Garden

One of the ways you can improve your family’s health is to have a garden. There are many ways that this can improve your family’s overall health. It improves your diet, as you eat food that you grow and protect. It also helps the family to spend time working outside everyday.

It is pretty late in the summer to plant a garden, but depending on the area that you live you may be able to still get in a fall garden. You may also want to begin planning your garden for next year. You will want to winterize your garden, so that the soil has a chance to prepare for the garden next summer.

If you don’t have a yard or space for an entire garden, you may consider planting a few vegetables in pots and having a garden on your patio or porch. Children really enjoy caring for plants this way, and you will get the benefits of fresh vegetables throughout the growing season. You need to look for plants that are suited for pots. You can ask the experts at your local nursery for the most suitable plants.

The church has counseled us to have a garden for years. It has many beneficial affects on the family. It promotes health, and self-sufficiency. It can reduce the amount of your grocery bill, but it also gives your children a chance to work together. It will teach your children the value of hard work.

In order to involve your entire family in the process, you may need to plan a little extra. While you may have to do the heavy work by yourself when the children are young, you can still have them help to plant the seeds, and water each day. You can also teach them how to recognize and pull weeds. You may also have them help you plan the garden. What positive things have you taught your family by having a garden?

Related Articles:

Tips for Gardening with Children

Planning a Garden for Food Storage