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Reasons to Start the Day With Meditation

Meditation offers many physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. If you have decided to give it a try, the first thing to do is decide when you will meditate. Many people believe that morning is the best time of day for meditation. There are several reasons that morning is a great time to meditate.

The mind tends to be restless and overactive in the evening and quieter in the morning. When trying to achieve peace, silence and stillness in the mind, starting at the time of day when the mind is quietest makes sense. Later in the day, when the mind has become filled with thoughts, worries and the many tasks that need to be done, it can be harder to quiet the mind.

Morning is also the quietest time in the house for many people. This means you will be less likely to be interrupted during meditation. If you have small kids, get up a little before them to enjoy the peacefulness of meditation before starting the day.

Life is busy and once the day gets started, it’s easy to get caught up in the many tasks and responsibilities of daily life. Meditation can get skipped and this disrupts the consistency of your practice. By meditating first thing in the morning, you will stay with the practice and quickly begin reaping the benefits.

When you meditate in the morning, you start the day in mindfulness and peace. This state of mind can be carried throughout your day as you work, care for children and fulfill many other responsibilities. As problems, difficulties or obstacles crop up during the day, you will be able to handle the situation calmly and find an effective solution because your mind is clear, focused and relaxed.

If you are concerned that you won’t have time in the morning, try getting up a few minutes earlier. You don’t need to spend an hour in meditation. Even if you only have five or ten minutes, you will experience the benefits that come with starting your day with meditation.

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About Pattie Hughes

Pattie Hughes is a freelance writer and mother of four young children. She and her husband have been married since 1992. Pattie holds a degree in Elementary Education from Florida Atlantic University. Just before her third child was born, the family relocated to Pennsylvania to be near family. She stopped teaching and began writing. This gives her the opportunity to work from home and be with her children. She enjoys spending time with her family, doing crafts, playing outside at the park or just hanging out together.