It takes two to tango and with that comes responsibility. Is your baby’s other parent trying to ditch their obligation to contribute with child support payments? Do not let it happen. It is so difficult to raise a child on your own even with additional financial help. Without the extra money it is that much more difficult.
As the parent taking the most responsibility of child care, your child deserves to have the necessities provided for. One parent should definitely not shoulder this responsibility all alone. If you are having a problem getting the other parent to help out financially you should seek legal help in this matter. This is to be done under the rights of your baby and for no other reason. At the National Child Support Enforcement Association you can seek assistance in getting child support financial help. This organization does not help you directly, but if you go to the bottom of this page you will find links to state child support programs that will direct you accordingly. Do not let your child’s rights suffer because of an unwilling parent that attempts to shirk their responsibility. Your child deserves more than that.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.