In Reclaiming your place in the world (1), we looked at the subtle but significant effect that our day-to-day environment has on our mental well being. We saw how troubled children with diagnosed behavioral disorders responded to small but significant changes in their environment. Today we look at ways you can make changes to your environment so that you and your children can reconnect with nature and avoid “dis-ease” in your life.
While the myriad of technical advances that have occurred in the 20th century have made our lives in the 21st century noticeably easier, it has come at a price. We have exchanged our natural heritage for technological advances. But we don’t have to give up our washing machine and go back to the communal stream in order to reclaim our natural place in the world.
We can’t just pack up our desks and wander off into a life in the wilderness. While some people do just that, for most of us it just isn’t practical. So how can we recapture the essence of nature and incorporate this powerful life-force back into our lives?
Spending as much time in nature is the obvious remedy to our 21st century malaise. Going to the beach, walking along quiet country lanes, feeling the sand and earth between our toes. Yet, living in a city does not make for easy access to the natural environment so we must look for other ready solutions.
Subtly changing your personal environment can make big changes in your mental outlook. Surrounding yourself with pieces of nature can help capture the peace and tranquility that our forebears experienced on a daily basis. Gather stream-smoothed stones and display them on your workbench. Collect an assortment of beautiful leaves and have them nearby so that you can experience the different textures of nature in your hands. Hang a wind chime to catch the breeze and listen to the gentle tinkle as the air moves about you. Place pots of aromatic herbs such as lavender, lemon thyme, and basil near doors and windows. Crush the leaves and breathe in their heady fragrance. Become aware of the beauty of nature that is all around you if you care to look.
Even a concrete path will show the unmistakable signs of nature at work, busy thrusting weeds upwards towards the light of the sun. Frequently remind yourself that you, too, are a part of the natural world. You will feel calmer and more relaxed when you allow the presence of nature to permeate gentle back into your life.
Contact Beth McHugh for further information or assistance regarding this issue.