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Recommended Reading For Pet Owners

Hi, my name is Aimee, and I’m a book collector. I love books. I would fill every room with books, if I could. Maybe someday…

I recently got a great book that I wanted to share with you: the Prevention Pets First Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats. If you’ve got pets, it’s a great book to have.

Prevention is a pretty reliable source for health info in general, and the First Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats tapped the brains of more than eighty veterinarians from around the country for the material.

The book is laid out alphabetically by emergency, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for. Each emergency starts with a suggestion of when to call the vet – immediately, the same day, or only if needed. The left side of the page gives you a quick list of things you’ll need to deal with this emergency. Just about every emergency situation comes with pictures to help you figure out what to do and how to do it. You’ll also get an idea of after care – what to do for your pet once the emergency has passed.

Another really useful part of the book is the suggested pet first aid kit. Everything you might need at one time or another is listed, but more importantly, the author (and team of vets) gives you household items that can be used in a pinch. Illustrations teach you how to make a muzzle with pantyhose or use plastic wrap to cover a large wound.

Keep in mind: the Prevention Pets First Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats is NOT a substitute for professional care. There are emergency situations out there that you will need your vet to take care of. But the book is a great assistant to panicked parents who see their precious dog with a torn nail or another minor injury and don’t know what to do.

Pick up this book at Amazon!