I’m sick of the so-called progressive movement to redefine long recognized traditions to incorporate anything and everything that certain groups or segments feel should be force fed to the rest of society. Are you ready for this one? There are now groups of people who want to redefine monogamy. Yes, monogamy!
What does monogamy mean anyway? Most of us know that it clearly means a relationship with one other person. Mono means one. One mate, one spouse, one partner, one significant other, one other person, no matter how you choose to describe him or her. Well, that may no longer be the case if some people have their way.
At least monogamy hasn’t been watered down in popular dictionaries –yet- not like other terms such as marriage have. While you’ll find words like “union” instead of words like man, woman, husband, wife, in many definitions of marriage today, most dictionaries still call monogamy what it is.
Have you heard about this “new monogamy” that some are trying to portray as being just as good as the real thing? It means that cheating isn’t cheating and it is allowed as long as the other person is aware of extra marital activities. In some cases, each partner details which activities are allowed and which ones will be considered cheating. For example, “new monogamy” may allow either party to kiss other people, but nothing more. In other cases, it goes way beyond kissing, but is still deemed acceptable as long as the other person knows about it.
Are you kidding me?
First, there is nothing “new” about this. Open relationships and marriages have existed for ages. Why bother getting married if you want to live in an arrangement that is anything less than the “old” monogamy?
People are certainly free to live as they please, to make their own choices, but let’s call it what it is… and it’s anything but monogamy.