Stress is a common cause for serious diseases and general loss of productivity due to burn out. Whether you are a work-at-home mom, a professional with a hectic schedule or manage your kids and household for a living, nobody is immune to stress.
Reducing stress even a little bit though can have an immense impact on your energy levels, well being and overall health. One easy way of doing this without changing anything about your life is to take “mini breaks”. When stuck on a problem at work, or stuck in a rut at home, look away from the computer screen. Stand up and walk around for a little bit. If you have your own office you can easily do some stretches without feeling “watched”. Talking a walk down to the washroom and doing some stretches there will also get you away from the public eye if you are cubicle-bound. You should take a five minute break every hour or so to freshen up your mind and re-energize. This break can be anything not work related, such as getting yourself a cup of tea, taking a little walk around the office, stretching or short meditation.
By getting just five minutes of movement every hour or two you can get your blood flowing, oxygen will circulate better and you will increase your concentration and efficiency as a result.
There are countless of books and websites that describe stretching exercises you can do right in your office chair. If you can find a private corner, either in your office or the washroom, you can do stretches against the wall or even on the floor. So stop reading, get up and start by touching your toes! Substitute your coffee break for a quick stretch/yoga/walk break and re-energize! Don’t be worried about “standing out”, taking a walk around the office will not attract anyone’s attention. If you are worried though, you could talk to your manager about the benefits of moving around every couple of hours on your productivity. Try to get co-workers excited as well and soon enough you will establish a healthier office culture.