We are on a mission to reduce the amount of trash that exits our homes. With just a few changes in our lives, we can affect the amount of garbage that our families contribute to the landfills, and as a result, also save money. If you missed the earlier articles in this series, you can find them here: Reducing Your Trash and Reducing Your Trash 2.
And now, here are some more ways to reduce your trash.
Stay away from convenience foods, which have a lot of extra packaging. Pre-prepared food is generally less healthy for you than food that you make yourself. If time and a busy life is a factor, consider practicing once a month or once a week cooking, in which your prepare several meals for your freezer. Or form a meal co-op.
You can learn more about these practices here:
Flattening Your Freezer Cooking
Get your whole family into the habit of recycling. Our system allows for all recyclable items to be placed jumbled together in a bin, but if you have to separate your items, consider providing a bin for each type, labeled clearly. Make it harder to reach the garbage can than the recycling bins, to discourage someone from throwing something away because it is easier.
Compost what you can for your garden. This includes grass and lawn clippings, food waste and egg shells and banana peels. If you live in the city, see if your compost is needed at a community garden.
When you purchase something, consider the durability of the item. Avoid anything that will break quickly and need to be replaced. Some example of this are junk toys at a dollar store that might not last the week. It is usually better to spend a little more money on something that you will have for years.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
Related Articles:
The Third Principle of A Frugal Lifestyle: Recycle
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