Morning sickness is one of those things that punctuates pregnancy. While the universal experience of morning sickness varies from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy, most women do experience some form of morning sickness during pregnancy.
As much as I wished I would be different than the average pregnant woman, my morning sickness experience seemed fairly typical. With previous experience and a wealth of knowledge I thought that I could change the outcome (and perhaps I did but to a much smaller degree than I had hoped). Morning sickness is very much like a roller coaster ride; there are ups and downs; highs and lows; good days and bad days.
Now that my morning sickness symptoms having finally come to an end (I think) at sixteen weeks, I can conclude that there were certainly aspects of morning sickness in the second pregnancy that were much easier than the first. I could largely keep my food down and threw up infrequently. However, the nausea seemed almost worse (maybe I just can’t remember the first as well).
This time around morning sickness lasted a week longer than with my first pregnancy. I was really hoping to be like my mom or even my eighteen month younger sister (she’s thirty-two weeks pregnant) who both had minimal morning sickness symptoms. But alas, I am my own person and morning sickness definitely affected me differently and more severely (apparently) than my mom and sister (and several friends who experience little to no morning sickness symptoms).
Now that it’s past, I hardly remember the feeling of semi-chronic nausea. which is a really good thing because I probably would not want to endure additional pregnancies if I did have perfect memory of morning sickness.
At this point in time I am extremely grateful that my morning sickness experience did have an end. Now that I am freed from the fog that is nausea and fatigue I can finally focus on more important things!