Tonight I decided to surf the Web in search of something a little inspirational and spiritual for us single parents. I found a number of comforting prayers that I thought I’d pass along to you.
A Single Parent’s Prayer
Lord, grant me
Time enough
to do all the chores, join in the games, help with the lessons, and say the night prayers, and still have a few moments left over for me.
Energy enough
to be bread-baker and breadwinner, knee-patcher and peacemaker, ballplayer and bill juggler.
Hands enough
to wipe away the tears, to reach out when I’m needed, to hug and to hold, to tickle and touch.
Heart enough
to share and to care, to listen and to understand, and to make a loving home for my family.
Author Unknown
A Single Parent’s Prayer
Help me to be both Mother and Father to my children. Keep me healthy and strong on those days when I am weak. Remind me to love them in the same way that you have shown that special love for me.
Prayer of a Single Parent
Lord Jesus Christ my God, who carried Your own Holy Cross to Golgotha, grant me the strength, patience and wisdom to bear the burdens of parenthood.
Fulfill in me anything I may be lacking and grant that through our prayers and those of Your Holy Mother, our family may grow closer to You and a Life in Christ. Amen
Prayer for Single Parents
We pray that you will give strength, patience and wisdom to single parents trying to be both mother and father to their children, while at the same time facing up to their own needs.
Put into the hearts and minds of loving family, friends and neighbors the need to give support and help, to provide the benefits that are lacking.
A prayer for a single parent
Lord, the Bible tells me that you are a “God of the fatherless and of the widow.” While I am not a widow, I am a single parent. It comforts me that you take special note of my station in life and the challenges I face. You know the limitations I have and the difficulties I am faced with. Be my guardian and protector. Provide me with my daily bread. Open doors for me so I will be able to find meaningful and gainful employment. Watch over my child when I am not able to be with him/her. Soothe me when I am troubled. Take the burdens of my heart and make them your own. Give me rest from my fears. Help me to take time to read your word a few minutes every day. Help me also to find a good church home where your word is taught in its truth and purity. Support me and let your holy angels watch over us. I take refuge in your cross where you purchased the forgiveness of all of my sins. I trust in your unfailing love. Amen.