DO register before you send out invitations to your baby shower.
DO include registry information in your shower invitations.
DO update your registry often, removing items that are no longer available and adding replacements.
DON’T register for too much clothing, since styles and stock change very frequently.
DON’T register at a store that has a terrible return policy. It’s likely you will have to return something.
DO register at stores that have locations where your family and friends live.
DO fill your registry with both online and instore items to accommodate everyone’s shopping preference.
DON’T be afraid to register for what you really want.
DON’T worry too much about the price of an item, some guests enjoy giving the finer things and will upgrade for you anyway if you only list the cheaper varieties.
DO register for items large and small. Some guests may be intimidated by expensive registries, so including small items like bibs or baby spoons is a good idea.
DO begin your registry in a store so you can easily compare items and check out products up close.
DO check your registry online afterward to make sure you didn’t miss anything or accidentally register for something you don’t want.
DO compare and shop big ticket items beforehand. Look at reviews online and talk to your friends for things like travel systems and cribs.
DO utilize the store’s checklist to make sure you are not missing any major necessities.
DON’T feel like you have to finish your registry in one day. It can be tiring!
DO take the time to browse through every aisle. You might discover something you never considered!
DON’T hesitate to register for more than one of something if you think you will use it a lot.
DO register for a variety of certain items that you are not sure about, such as pacifiers, bottles, diapers, etc. You never know which kind you will like the best until you are in the “trenches” using them.

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