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Relating to Your Man

One of the greatest challenges in marriage is learning to live with, deal with, and in some cases even tolerate your partner of the opposite sex. Both men and women can be heard with struggles and complaints about their mate.

The two genders think differently, act differently, and feel differently. It is impossible to completely understand the feelings, thoughts, and emotions of your mate due to the difference in chemical make-up. There is no wonder why we must be understanding and work at relating to our mate.

In this article I will focus mainly on the various ways that you can relate to your husband.

One way in which some women relate to their men is through acceptance. With acceptance things may or may not be as you desire however you find that the pros outweigh the cons and what to make things work. You accept him and love him even when you do not approve of his actions. Women who are acceptors do not wait for the perfect man before committing. They are happy to settle with a man that is at least more “good than bad”.

Another way that some women relate to their men is through rejection. When you reject your husband or mate, there are differences that can be solved. However that does not mean that the relationship is necessarily over. In some cases you can discuss these issues that you cannot get past and work through them. In other cases they do lead to the end of your marriage. However you do not simply accept them and move on as seen above in the first relation. For the marriage to work, women who tend to reject their men must learn to stop and think about their husband’s action. They must determine if the action is worth rejecting him or not. They must learn to only reject the major issues and begin to learn to accept some of the smaller and insignificant actions.

Things to Talk About

Personality Differences

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