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Release of New Chicken Soup for the Soul Book: Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is the latest rage in life management. It essentially teaches that as we send out positive effort into the universe, we’ll get positive results. Of course there’s much more to it than that, and with the latest release from the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” people, you can learn more about it and see how other people managed to take control of their lives and achieve their dreams. Thirty-five stories are included in the anthology. In addition, you’ll find lessons and step-by-step exercises to help you create your ideal life.

The creators of the book—Jack Canfield, Victor Mark Hansen, Jeanna Gabellini, and Eva Gregory—say the book “The Secret” did a great job of explaining the principle of the law of attraction, but they wanted to bring out a book that would show people exactly how it worked and how real people implemented the principles in their own lives. Their book is divided into seven sections: How It Works, Defining Moments, Transforming Thoughts, Inspired Actions, Baby Steps Lead to Avalanches, Your Full Potential, and Acts of Faith.

Each of the three authors work as life coaches, and you’ll recognize Jack and Victor’s names from other books in the Chicken Soup Series, such as:

Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Sisters

Chicken Soup for the Golfer’s Soul

Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul

Chicken Soup for the Nature Lover’s Soul

. . . and countless more. Each book in the Chicken Soup Series is designed to help us focus on the positive, count our blessings, and realize that our lives are rich and full of purpose. No matter what stage of life you are in, your age, or your circumstances, there is a Chicken Soul book for you. What a marvelous thing in a world where there is so much emphasis on the negative and the hopeless.

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