When it comes to supporting each other in Relief Society one way that we do this is to celebrate the joys with our friends. We also spend time mourning with sisters as they face their different trials. Latter-day Saints tend to have large families. Many people make sure that a baby shower is thrown for a first time mom, but then neglect to do something to celebrate the birth of the next baby. I was raised with the view that you really only need a baby shower for first, but this does not mean that we can not celebrate with those who are having their second, third, fourth or fifth child. Each baby is a blessing from Heavenly Father. Here are a few alternatives to the traditional baby shower.
1) You could have a frozen meal shower. In this shower you gather together and sign up to drop a meal by to fill up the mother’s freezer. With each addition to my family it has become more difficult to juggle getting dinner on the table. It really is a blessing to be able to pull something out and pop it in the oven.
2) Another alternative is a service shower. You can get together and give service certificates that the mother can cash in. These could be good for running errands, babysitting, helping to put the kids to bed or cleaning her house. It is best if you follow up with a phone call to schedule the service since some mothers may be reluctant to cash them in.
3) If the expectant mother seems reluctant to have either of the preceding ideas you may choose to have a simple gathering after the birth of the baby. You can spend the evening chatting and allow the mother to show off her new little one.
Most wards do not throw baby showers. Instead a member of the Relief Society presidency may call or stop buy. They can also help to coordinate meals that are being taken into the family to help out. A nice touch may be a card passed around during Relief Society so that each sister can wish her congratulations.
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