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Relief Society: Judge Not

It is often difficult to go throughout life without judging those around you, but it is important to stop this behavior. In Matthew 7:1-2 it reads: “Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” I think that as women it is especially important that we stop from judging others. Often we judge others, and find ourselves inadequate.

It is important to be accepting of who you are as an individual. This does not mean that you should not be striving to improve yourself in various categories. Rather it means accepting the fact that you are not perfect, but you are working towards perfection. Once you view it as more of a journey, you are likely to be a lot less critical of the mistakes that you do make. It is important to recognize that we each have been given the opportunity to repent and improve through the Atonement of Christ.

Additionally it is important to accept others at the point where they are in their individual journey through life. The wonderful thing about Relief Society sisters is that each of us is at a different point in the journey. We can learn from those around us. It is important to realize that each journey is unique. No two sisters are going to have the same life experiences. Testimonies grow in different ways for others. Instead of being critical of each other, it is important to support each other in the place that they are at.

It is important to remember that it is not our place to judge others. We should pray that we can come to see and love others the way that the Savior does. As we do this a greater sense of peace will come into our lives. It is also important to strive to see ourselves the way that the Savior sees us.

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