In her talk “To Look, Reach and Come unto Christ” Sister Anne C Pingree speaks of how women need to come unto Christ. Sister Pingree opens her talk by sharing the story of the woman who was healed after she touched the Savior’s robes. She speaks of the faith that this woman needed, as well as her desire to come unto Christ.
Sister Pingree goes on to say that we need to develop enough faith that we are moved to action. She shares a story of a sister who answered another’s need by going to her house and praying for her. She spoke of charity, and how as you exercise true charity you lift up those around you. She says of this faith:
“That very will to go forward toward our Savior sometimes requires on-the-spot repentance. It’s recognizing we’ve made mistakes or haven’t done what we could to encourage or help someone. These personal course corrections in thought, action, or word are essential for all who desire to come unto Christ. They represent individual choices about how we will touch each other literally and figuratively.
We draw closer to the Savior as we encircle others in loving arms. Or we don’t. We balm emotional or physical wounds. Or we don’t. We look at each other with a loving rather than a critical eye. Or we don’t. We ask forgiveness for harm we have caused, even if it was unintended. Or we don’t. We do the hard spiritual work of forgiving those who have given us offense. Or we don’t. We quickly correct our errors or oversights in personal relationships when we become aware of them. Or we don’t.”
Sister Pingree shares an experience when she realized she needed to change her actions and apologize to another sister. She also gives examples of taking the time to talk to a lonely sister, instead of hurrying away or forgiving the thoughtless actions of others. It is important to be willing to respond to the promptings of the Spirit, as you strive to develop this attribute.
This was a wonderful talk. The message is so powerful, yet so simple. I have found that the times when my faith was the strongest, were the times when I was able to reach beyond myself and help others. I have also been touched, when my prayers have been answered by those around me in similar ways. I have also found comfort in comforting others, and looking beyond myself. It is easy to become caught up in a cycle of negativity, but as you break that cycle by reaching out to someone else, you can feel the Lord’s love for you. I hope that you will take the time to read this talk.