Visiting teaching is one of the most important functions of Relief Society. It allows friendships to be built, but it is also a system for the president to be sure that individual needs are being met. It fosters close ties and makes it easy for people to reach out and offer service to those around them. If you are visiting teaching a less active member you may need to treat the visits differently.
First it is important to follow the sister’s lead. She may not be comfortable with a gospel message, but be open to visits on a regular basis. She may be looking for friendship only or she may prefer a phone call or letter instead of a visit. By respecting her wishes and boundaries, you are setting up a relationship of trust, which can lead to friendship down the road.
Second it is important to be consistent when you have a less active sister that you are visiting. If you say that you will be there at a certain time, you need to be there. If you have missed her leave a note to say that you were sorry that you missed her. You can follow up with a phone call, but do not pressure to reschedule if she doesn’t seem open to it.
Third, it is important to not be judgmental. There are many reasons for inactivity, and it is not your place to condone or judge a situation. You can offer support and friendship, and a listening ear, but a monthly lecture will quickly turn her away.
Fourth, consistently invite your sister to join in on ward activities and other church events. This does not need to involve a great deal of pressure, but she may not know about the upcoming Enrichment meeting and the topic may interest her. Additionally, any activities that involve children (if she has any) may appeal to her.
Related Articles:
Relief Society: Three Tips for Visiting Teaching in the Summer
Relief Society: Visiting Teaching Blessings