If you have experienced the death of your spouse, moving on with your life may be something that seems impossible to you. It will take time for you to even think about moving on with your life after your wife or husband has passed away. When a spouse dies of a natural or accidental death-it doesn’t matter which- it is the worst experience that a person can go through next to the death of a child. To live on without the love of your life is something that seems impossible or even something that you do not want to do.
There will be a time when you begin to live again after this death and you even begin to feel like your old self again. When this time comes, do not feel guilty- it is entirely normal for you to move on with your life. Your spouse that has passed away probably wants you to move on with your life. The last thing your loved one wants is for you to waste the rest of your life wishing that they were there. Religions and people all over the world believe this, and many movies reflect this attitude about lost loved ones. It is comforting, if nothing else.
Remarrying after the death of your spouse is an act that is more common for widowed men to take part in, but widowed women are also beginning to remarry as well. When you have been dating for awhile you might decide to remarry. When this thought first enters your mind, you may feel guilty or like you are cheating on your spouse, but this is not the case. If you’ve found someone who loves you and you love as well, you have a chance that few people ever have, to have been married and in love not once, but twice in a lifetime. Few people can make that claim. Enjoying the rest of your life is what you should be doing, go for it!
Remarrying is an act that is becoming more and more common with each passing year. There are many widows that get back into the dating world and do find someone else in the world that they feel comfortable with and develop a trusting and lasting relationship with. There are second chances available for people today; if your one love leaves you do not feel lost. After a period of grief you may decide to start dating again and finding that special some one twice is a great gift. The world is full of many different people and there is always a new opportunity waiting for you somewhere. The hardest part is beginning your journey into the dating world once again; whether it has been a long time or a little, it is still an act that takes courage and bravery.
You may also be worried what your family thinks about all of this. If your family has your best interest and happiness at heart, they should understand. Most families do, so don’t be shy about sharing your happiness with them.