I don’t know about you, but I can get pretty wrapped up in all the things I think I HAVE to do—between work and family and all the other responsibilities and obligations, I can lose perspective a bit and life starts to feel like it is one big “have to.” It helps when I remind myself that starting my home business was definitely not something someone made me do, it’s actually a choice I made for myself.
And, since I chose to establish and work on building my home business, any day (or hour or minute for that matter) I can change my mind and decide that it’s not something I want to be doing any more. There is no warden or big, mean boss who has chained me to my desk and computer and I certainly have been the one to choose my clients and projects so there’s no one I can blame there if things go wrong!
For moral and motivation purposes, it really helps me to remind myself of the choices I do have. Since there are plenty of things that really aren’t choice—like paying taxes or who my relatives are—empowerment and confidence can come from touching base with all the areas where I do have some choice. And, one of the main areas of choice in my life is the type of work I do. Starting a business involves risk and courage and maybe even a drop or two of kookiness—but it definitely is a choice we’ve all made for whatever reason (to spend more time at home with our families, to be able to take care of children while we work, to have more flexible hours, or to have more control over our income potential, etc.).
So, when things start to feel like a drudge and a burden, remind yourself that starting your own home business is and was a choice!
See Also: Keeping Things in Balance and So Much For Being Boss Free