One of the things we tend to do as human beings at times, is forget too easily. Compare two people and their memories of the same experience and you will soon see how different they are, because we forget. We can do the same with forget, we forget too easily.
When we are undergoing a difficult situation, we need to remember how God has helped us and delivered us in the past. Past experience of God builds our trust and encouragement and hope for the future. It was David’s past experience of God and God’s faithfulness and deliverance that enabled David to go out and fight Goliath, 1 Samuel 17:34-37 and 1 Samuel 17:45-51.
It was Joshua’s past experience of God that enabled him to trust god and to lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land.
There are many other examples in the Bible where people proved time and time again the faithfulness of God.
Paul reminded the Israelites of God’s faithfulness to them in Acts 13: 16-41.
One way to remember what God has done is the past is to keep a prayer and bible reading journal. Reading back over it and seeing how God has answered prayers and delivered you in the past, can be a way of strengthening faith and giving courage and strength for the experience at hand.
In my study, I have a whole collection of these quiet time books, communion journals I call them as they are records of my time of communion with God. I am often amazed at how much I have forgotten. It is when I read over the desperate situations we have been in, how I was feeling at the time and how God answered that my faith is strengthened and renewed.
My bible also has a lot of dates next to specific verses which have stood out to me to encourage doing my readings. If I then go and look up that date in my communion journal it gives the fuller picture of what was happening at the time band how God answered. If you haven’t tried it can I suggest it can be a great aid to your Christian life and to growing your faith in God?
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