Can we say enough about smiling? I know that it can become almost trite to hear someone remind you to smile (me) or to hear those reminders about how much more likely people are to smile back if you smile first…blah, blah, blah, as some of my friends tend to say. The truth is, however, that when things are getting tough and ragged, sometimes reminding yourself to just generate a smile can change a day from bumpy to at least somewhat smoother. And, as single parents, I think we need all the tricks we can gather!
I cannot remember where I read this, but several years ago I read that smiling can lower blood pressure and boost the immune system. Whether those are proven facts or not, I know that I have reminded myself again and again that both laughter and smiling are good for me and as a single parent, I feel as though I need all the health boosts and benefits that I can get and if I can control my chances for good health by smiling, why not?
I also know that when I smile, I just feel more confident and I feel prettier. Okay, maybe I never really feel “pretty” any more—that has never really been my thing anyway, but I do feel “saucier” and perhaps more appealing when I smile. Think of how YOU respond to others—if someone is smiling at you, don’t you want to move toward them? While if someone is scowling or frowning or has a knitted brow, don’t you feel like moving away or avoiding them?
We need smiles. We need whatever we can get to make us feel better about ourselves and the world around us. How much money do we spend collectively trying to look younger, feel younger and ward off age and illness? Maybe all we need to do is remind ourselves to smile more often?
Also: Motivate Yourself–5 Reasons to Smile