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Remove the Barriers in Your Home Business

Despite how open and eager we may imagine ourselves to be in our home business operations, there are almost always barriers that get in the way of our doing business. Whether they are self-imposed blocks that come from our lifestyle or other obligations in our lives, or they are physical realities that make it difficult for customers and clients to get to us—removing the barriers is an important effort we need to make in order to help our businesses grow.

We have to see the barriers first and that can be a bit of a hurdle—especially if they are self-inflicted or imagined. Black and white thinking or convincing yourself that there are certain things you CAN do and certain things you CANNOT can put up barriers to business growth. The more limits and restrictions you have on your home business operations, the more likely it is that you are getting in the way of progress. Do you have rigid ideas about what sort of work you will do or who your target market should be? You might need to expand your expectations to shake off some self-imposed barriers.

There can also be physical or seemingly logical realities that create barriers to business growth. For example, is your web site incomplete or inefficient? Are you located in an area that makes it hard for customers and clients to get to you (or for you to get to them?) Are there budget limitations that are keeping you from marketing? Look over those realities that are holding you back and try to come up with creative solutions. Anything you can do to break down and eliminate those barriers that are keeping customers and clients from reaching your home business will help you to grow your operations and increase the bottom line.