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Resolve to Read Together

My husband often tells the story which occurred while he was a teenager before he obeyed the gospel and became a Christian. He was over at a friend’s home, I suppose just hanging out as teens do, when he and his friend were required to sit in on a family Bible study. This family had set aside a time to read the Bible. That time was not changed just because their son had a friend over. My husband was not a part of the congregation where this family met, yet they still took the time to read together while he was there. Their actions made a great impact on my husband.

As we are beginning a new year, I challenge you to resolve to read the Bible together with your family. Reading the Bible together will have many positive benefits. First, I cannot think of many other activities which are more important in a person’s life to begin with. How wonderful it would be to share the reading of the inspired Word of God with your family!

Secondly, dedicating a time each day or week to read the Bible together with your family will be a great way to not only grow spiritually, but to grow and strengthen your family. As I am certain you know, it is extremely important to spend time with your family. Is there a better way to spend time with your family than spending time together devoted to God? Also, consider the impact you will have on showing your children the importance of the Word of God.

When scheduling a time to do a family Bible reading, do whatever works, and will continue to work for your family. While it would be ideal to sit down each and every day to read the Bible together, it might be difficult. Start out with a once-a-week reading plan and gradually build up to reading every day. It seems, as with any goal, it is better to start off with a less rather than starting out with more and becoming discouraged when you miss days.

In closing, I would like to leave you with a few verses from Psalm 119:9-12: “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Blessed are you, O LORD; teach me your statutes!”

All Scripture reference is taken from the English Standard Version (ESV).