Are you having trouble with your calling? Do you need help teaching or are unsure of what you should be doing? Are in charge of an in-service meeting where you need to train your teachers? You can find out more about what you should be doing in a few simple places.
If you are a teacher, there is a great section in the front of every manual that explains what your basic duties are. It should give guidelines on what resources you should use, as well as how to handle problems in the class. You can also consult the book “Teaching, No Greater Call,” which should be available to you through your ward. This book is full of information regarding ways to teach more effectively. It also has sections specifically addressing the different age groups.
If you have a calling in an auxiliary you can learn more about you need to do by visiting and clicking on the Serving in the Church section. This is a great resource for anyone. It contains guidelines for each of the programs. The manuals are posted online for easy viewing as well. Many of the organizations even have training videos available to help you understand the program better.
If you still have questions, feel free to ask a member of the presidency over you. If you are in the presidency you can consult with the bishop. This will help to ensure that you are doing everything properly.
No matter where you are serving, be sure to do so in the right spirit. Prayer can help you to better fulfill your callings, as well as adequate planning. At the same time your callings should not be so overwhelming that they take you away significantly from your family. It is important to find a good balance.
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