In most cases of restless legs syndrome, the cause is simply unknown. Despite extensive research, there is no one cause for the disease. However, there are some common factors in many of the cases.
- Restless legs syndrome may run in families, suggesting a genetic form of the disorder. People with familial or primary RLS tend to experience symptoms at an earlier age. The disease seems to progress more slowly in familial RLS cases.
- Restless legs syndrome can develop as a result of another condition (a chronic disease like Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and others); the other condition can make the RLS symptoms worse. This is known as secondary RLS. Treating the other condition may relieve RLS symptoms.
- As much as twenty-five percent of women develop RLS during pregnancy — especially during the last trimester. Symptoms often disappear after giving birth.
- Low iron levels and/or anemia may contribute to developing RLS or a worsening of RLS symptoms. Correcting the iron deficiency may help reduce symptoms.
- Patients with end-stage renal disease who require dialysis often experience restless legs syndrome.
- Nerve damage in the hands and/or feet (peripheral neuropathy) can contribute to restless legs syndrome.
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is often seen in both children and adults with RLS.
- Some medications can aggravate symptoms. Talk to your doctor if you are taking antinausea drugs, anitseizure drugs, antipsychotic drugs, and some cold and allergy medications.
- Caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco may trigger RLS symptoms or aggravate existing RLS symptoms. Some studies have shown that reducing or eliminating these substances can provide some relief.
There isn’t one test to diagnose restless legs syndrome. The doctor will evaluate the patient’s history and symptoms based on four criteria defined in 1995 by the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group. Clinical diagnosis is difficult because the symptoms of RLS can often be attributed to other health problems. Diagnosis is especially difficult for children, as the doctor must rely heavily on patient description of symptoms. Lab tests can help support a diagnosis and exclude other diseases.