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Return to Snowy River (1988)

In the 1988 sequel to “The Man from Snowy River,” we find that Jim Craig has been gone a long time. Feeling that he had to prove himself and come up with a means of making money so he could support Jessica, he didn’t come back until he had collected a herd of good horses. He has that herd now, and he’s brought them back to his cabin at Snowy River. But he has to go and find out if Jessica still wants him.

When he arrives at the Harrison’s ranch, he finds a riding exhibition and horse race taking place. First, a young man named Alistair Patton demonstrates skill at arms, and Jim is pretty impressed with the riding. But what really impresses him is when Harrison’s horse takes first in the race, and when the jockey slides down, pulls off a hat to reveal herself as Jessica. She locked the jockey in the outhouse so she could ride.

Seeing Jim after all these years (they don’t really indicate how long, but the movies are separated by six years, so we’ll pretend) is hard for Jessica. She was devastated when he left, and then he didn’t contact her at all. Suddenly he’s back, just when she’s put her life back together without him, and has an offer of marriage of Alistair Patton.

Meanwhile, Harrison (played this time around by Brian Dennehy) is having some pressure put on him by Mr. Patton, the owner of the bank. The elite of the area want to drive the mountain folk out of the mountains and claim the rich grazing land for themselves, and Patton tells Harrison that if he doesn’t go along with it, he won’t be able to get the loans he wants from the bank. But, if Jessica were to marry Alistair, he’d bend over backwards to help Harrison any way he can.

Jessica hates being treated like a pawn, and goes off to find Jim. At first she tells him that it won’t work, but then he comes after her and she changes her mind. Her father tells her that if she chooses Jim, she can’t come home – but her choice is made and she stays on the mountain with Jim.

This causes a further rift between the landowners and the mountain people, however – her presence spells danger all the way around. As Jim tries to bring peace between the two factions, people get hurt and even killed. He hates what’s happening, but his first duty is to Jessica, and second to the mountains that are his home. Will he be able to end the feuding and live happily ever after with Jessica?

I didn’t like this movie quite as much as the first, but it was still really good. Amazing horsemanship, fabulous scenery, a compelling plot – and both Jim and Jessica were played by the original actors (Tom Burlinson and Sigrid Thornton) so we get a sense of continuity. This PG film is well worth your time.

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