Most of the time, the kitchen really seems to be the functional heart of the home. There is generally a lot of ongoing activity in a kitchen. This makes for plenty of opportunity to reuse items that otherwise might be thrown away. You can also repurpose a lot of kitchen items for other functions as needed.
I think you will like the following articles. They focus on some creative ways to use everyday items you might find in the kitchen.
Real Storage Solutions Using Egg Cartons
Unless your are a homesteader, you probably have an almost endless supply of egg cartons. Why not put them to good use instead of throwing them away?
It is hard to resist a good cereal box. With the cost of cereal being so high, it is natural to want to do something with that box. Well, there are actually several ways you can reuse a cereal box. My family are cereal monsters.
Real Kitchen Uses for Egg Cartons
Most people think of crafts when they think of reusing egg cartons. I think the association is ingrained in us from a very young age. We then pass the empty egg carton equals kid’s craft mentality on to our own kids. Many many years from now, when eggs come in some sort of space-age liquid gel packaging, we will still be able to buy empty egg cartons at the craft stores.
A yogurt cup is one of those things that seems infinitely useful. There is good reason for this, namely the fact that it really is very useful.
Reusing tin cans sounds like something from our grandmother’s days, when they used to carefully wash out any rare can they might have and put it to good use. Today, we seem bombarded with tin cans. They hold everything from asparagus to yellow squash.
Benefit from Plastic Grocery Bags
Want to benefit by saving or even earning money with all of those plastic grocery bags? Read on to learn some tips and tricks that will keep your household frugal.
Do you buy soda? Instead of throwing the empty bottles out, put them to good use around your home.
More New Uses for Old Soda Bottles
There are so many wonderful uses for empty soda bottles. You can save money by using the bottles that you already own instead of spending money buying something new. (Or if you don’t drink soda, ask for some empty bottles from a friend.)
Things to Do with Cardboard Tubes
Everyone loves paper towel and toilet tubes! What about gift wrapping tubes? All of these tubes are just so useful. There are so many things that can be done with them, and so many solutions for household use.
More Things to Do with Cardboard Tubes
Still have some cardboard tubes laying around? You know the ones? They are what is left after you use a roll of paper towels, a roll of toilet paper or a roll of gift wrap. These tubes have so many uses around the house, so there is no need to toss them away.
It is a good idea to clean out your spices on a frequent basis. Most herbs and spices lose their potency within six months to a year and need to be replaced. You can try to use them after that time, but as I once read somewhere, if you have old herbs and spices, then you are essentially just putting dirt on your food. But don’t give up your spices just because of that fact. Cooking with spices can be very frugal. You can make some very flavorful low cost meals with the addition of spices.
Plastic and glass bottles are easy to reuse in some many different ways. But, what about the bottle caps? Reduce your waste and find frugal alternatives. Here are some ideas on new uses for bottle caps.