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Review: Inchimals by Fat Brain

by Fat Brain is a math manipulative recommended for children 3 and up. Inchimals are 12 wooden blocks, each with a different animal and number painted on the block. The blocks are made into one inch increments. The ladybug is one inch and so on until you arrive at the 12 inch giraffe. Included in the set are a dry erase marker and a spiral bound dry erasable book with puzzles.

What Inchimals teaches?

Basic measurement: The child can use the giraffe to determine the length of a dining room table or a favorite toy.
Addition: The child is asked to determine the sum of one mouse and one bear. The child then finds the animal which is equal in length to the mouse and bear put together. The child will see that one mouse and one bear is equal to one ostrich. Then the child is instructed to write the number associated with each animal. Basically the child just determined the sum of 3 and 7.

Subtraction: Works the same as addition but the opposite. Using the same example as in addition, the child would be asked to subtract the ostrich from the mouse. The child would place the ostrich next to the mouse and then have to fill in the gap. The bear will fill in the gap. The child will determine that 10 minus 3 equal the bear or 7.

As the child masters basic addition and subtraction techniques the puzzle book will challenge him with 3 digit addition and mixed equations.
Equivalent Sums: The child will be given an equation like snake plus rabbit equals bear plus X. You child solves for X.

Sequence: Use the blocks to arrange into shortest to tallest or tallest to shortest.

Taller or shorter: Use the blocks to determine taller or shorter.Hold up the bear and ask which blocks are taller or which are shorter. As your child progresses you can ask her how much taller or how much shorter and your child will respond with the length in inches.

What my kids thought of Inchimals?

I have a five year old who just started Kindergarten and a 2 year old. Both loved spending all afternoon playing and learning. My five year old grasped addition quicker than I anticipated she would. My 2 year old focused on shorter and taller and learning to count. She also loved to stack them. Both could play and learn together with laughter.

What did I think of Inchimals?

This Charlotte Mason minded homeschool mom liked was how the blocks gave you the answer. Meaning, the child is not writing down the wrong answer but the correct answer is always being reinforced. The equations are also consistently reinforced in the correct manner. This provides a young child with the proper habits of learning math. Basically, your child is not memorizing mistakes that will take you and your child extra work to breakdown. Yet that the same time your child is not being spoon fed the answers but using critical thinking skills to determine answers.

Where you can purchase Inchimals?

You can purchase Inchimals and other wonderful homeschool supplies and curriculum at Timberdoodle.

Disclosure: As a member of the Timberdoodle Review Team this product was provided for me. My review reflects my personal experience and opinions. Opinions expressed may not may not reflect those of Timberdoodle.

Related Links:

Domino Math

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