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Reviews: CyndisList.com

Cyndi’s List is the invention of famous genealogist Cyndi Howell. For new and seasoned genealogists it is an important tool in their search procedure. What has made Cyndi’s list such a fundamental research tool for 13 years is that not merely does it have a huge store of links that are updated frequently, but also the site is simple to navigate.

When you arrive on the home page of Cyndi’s List, you are faced with the Main Index. Under A you will discover amid other things, Acadian, Cajun and Creole (106 links), Adoption (191 links) and Africa (203 links) and this is simply a small example of what is s under the letter A. If you were to click on one of the links, let’s click Acadian, you would then observe the 106 links under General Resource Sites. All of the links as well tells you when it was previously updated thus if you stop back in each 3 to six months you will be able to notice there are new updates and links on the areas of concern to you.

The initial listing is Acadian Ancestral Home – The Acadian & French Canadian Ancestral Home. Where you will locate several more links to more sites that have information concerning Acadia. You can see simply by this one illustration from Cyndi’s list what an important resource this can be to any genealogist. What Cyndi has done is to take lots of the work out of discovering the best that the web has to provide in the field of genealogy.

There are a number of additional ways to search Cyndi’s List beside for the Alpha Index; she too provides a topical index. The topical index has fifteen categories as different as Religions and Wars. If you click on Wars, it will get you to a list of links to the American Revolution, Civil War, WWI and WWII. The American Revolution has a grouping index, a linked topics index also as General Resources Sites.

Moreover you can search using the alphabetical index, the no additions index and the text only index. At some instant in your research you will perhaps utilize each of these indexes.

If you are searching for something exceptionally precise you may have to search the site a number of ways to find it; however you can rest assured that there are extremely few topics that are connected to genealogy that have not been touched on, on this site.

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About Leah Karimi

I specialize in Family/Marriage Counseling, Employment and Career Counseling, Personal issues, and Workshops, with special focus on counseling services for families. My values include: -Committed to professionalism and competence. -Relate to others with integrity, sensitivity, caring, and genuineness. -Respect the dignity of all persons.