I make a big chunk of my living from writing work. Of course, I would love to make more but since I am gradually building my freelance business, I’m fairly content and it works well with my role and responsibilities as a single mom. One of the realities of writing is that you always have the opportunity to do another draft, make revisions, or start completely from scratch. It seems to me that revisions and do-overs are a great metaphor for the life of a single parent as well–after all, isn’t that what rebuilding our lives as single parent families is all about?
I think it takes some courage and strength or spirit to start over and make major life revisions–ending a marriage or partnership, having another child, changing jobs, getting into a new relationship–all of these major life changes reflect a willingness on the part of those involved to do some revising. Remember being a little kid playing games on the playground and calling out for a “do over?”–meaning that you got to scratch whatever went awry and start the game all over again (as if the bad game hadn’t happened at all)? I am of the opinion that life should have a few more revisions and do-overs too. Why should we feel trapped and stuck in a hopeless situation? Why shouldn’t there be a light at the end of the tunnel when we are forced to revise and remake our lives?
So whether you are on your first, second, or fifth draft–or whether or not you are just learning how to call for a “do over” or learning how to make big revisions–I still think learning how to let go of the old and edit out what isn’t working in order to create a new version of your life is an important gift for the single parent.
Also: Do You Have a Vision For Your Family?
Boost Your Single Parent Confidence
Don’t Get Discouraged When Rebuilding Your Life